Day in Africa
Map of Africa It is dawn and the sun is slowly rising on the village of Khombole. Lying on his bed, Babacar is thinking with delight about what he is going to do today. It is the first day of summer vacation and our young friend is bursting with energy. He can already smell the delicious millet puree his mother is making in the kitchen. In the chicken coop, the rooster is sending his morning greetings to the sun. As it happens every morning, the muezzin calls the faithful to prayer with his melodious high-pitched voice. Today though, it reminds Babacar that he has to go to Koran school for most of the morning. The thought of this is not very enchanting but he knows that he has no choice. He jumps out of bed and runs to the outhouse to clean his teeth and wash his face. Then, he sneaks into his fatherÆs second wifeÆs compound where he knows that Mariama will welcome him with ginger candy. Babacar is her favorite among his nine brothers and sisters and she never misses a chance to spoil him. After having hidden the candy so he can enjoy it later without being bothered by his brothers, he goes to the kitchen to see if breakfast is ready.

His mother is stirring the puree to cool it down a little so Babacar decides to go feed the chickens. When he is back in the kitchen, his mother sends him to his grandparents with their breakfast. By this time the compound is alive with activity and the kids are running around celebrating their first vacation day. After breakfast, Babacar picks up his wooden tablet and heads towards the huge tree in the middle of the village where the lessons take place.

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